Since 1950, the SIM Galmi Hospital has been an oasis in the desert.

Located on the south edge of the Sahara desert in Niger, West Africa, this 180-bed hospital provides compassionate care to Nigeriens from all walks of life and serves as a training center for surgical residents from several African countries. Our outpatient clinics serve up to 300 men, women, and children daily.

Compassionate medical care serves as a bridge to share about the love of Christ. Every day, patients have the opportunity to hear the Gospel message through Bible teaching and other forms of media.  We believe in healing for the body and the soul.


Galmi Hospital is owned and operated by SIM International, an interdenominational Christian mission that works worldwide to make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ in communities where He is least known.  SIM is convinced that no one should live or die without hearing God’s good news.  At Galmi Hospital we practice that conviction and seek to provide our patients with both compassionate medical treatment and life-transforming spiritual care. Continue reading “About”

Get Involved

There are many ways to get involved with the work of the SIM Galmi Hospital.  We continually have a need for medical and administrative staff and accept volunteers for varying lengths of time.  Can’t come work with us?  That’s okay, we have other ways you can contribute. Continue reading “Get Involved”


Our loving God hears our prayers. Niger needs our prayers.  Would you join us in prayer?



It takes a lot of funding to keep the doors open at Galmi Hospital.  Would you prayerfully consider contributing financially to our work?



While we have a salaried staff of around 250 Nigerien personnel, we also rely on international volunteers who are willing to share their expertise to serve the people of Niger.



Interested in the work of the SIM Galmi Hospital?  We’d love to hear from you!

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