
One-half of Niger’s population is under the age of 18.  The SIM Hospital in Galmi believes that children are precious to the heart of God, and therefore we seek to care for this vulnerable demographic with the best treatment options available in our context.

Inpatient Medical Services

Malaria, dehydration from diarrhea, pneumonia, sickle cell disease, meningitis, and malnutrition are common diagnoses for the children that require hospitalization at Galmi.  We also see a large number of diseases that are preventable with vaccines, such as pertussis and measles.

At this time we do not have a dedicated Pediatrics Ward, but it is certainly a dream we hope to realize in the near future.  In the meantime our 58-bed Medical Ward shares its space with our pediatric population.

PMI: Outpatient Under-5 Medical Clinic

Each weekday our Under-5 Clinic, known to us as the PMI, sees on average around 100 children.  This clinic allows us to care Niger’s most vulnerable by providing priority access to our medical team.  On top of medical care, the PMI seeks to educate the parents of young children about preventable diseases such as malaria and typhoid, and on the importance of early treatment when their child is sick.

The SIM Galmi Hospital’s PMI also partners with the Nigerien Government to provide vaccinations to children in our immediate region.  Our vaccination team also takes the opportunity to do community health education and share about Jesus while parents are waiting for their child to receive their inoculations.

A-Ward: Inpatient Malnutrition Services

Over 30% of children in Niger are considered to be severely malnourished according to the most current statistics published by UNICEF.  These are the children whose lives we try to save through hospitalization on our malnutrition ward.

While the ward is made up of only eight beds, there are certain times of the year when babies are forced to share their mattress with another child.

CREN: Outpatient Nutritional Rehabilitation Centre

One-third of Nigerien children are considered to be underweight.  Poor nutrition has significant implications on a child’s growth and development.

The CREN is our outpatient nutritional rehabilitation centre for children under-5.  It is overseen by one of our medical doctors and managed by a Nigerien nurse.  Children who are identified as being under-weight, stunted, or wasting will be invited to stay at our CREN.

Get more information about our CREN.

Join Our Team

Our hope is to have doctors and nurses on the Pediatrics team who, compelled by God’s great love and empowered by the Holy Spirit, will join us as

* We cross barriers to proclaim the crucified and risen Christ, expressing His love and compassion among those who live and die without Him

* We make disciples who will trust and obey Jesus, and become part of Christ-centered churches

* We work together with churches to fulfil God’s mission across cultures locally and globally

* We facilitate the participation in cross-cultural ministry of those whom God is calling.

Volunteer with Us